Shut Out the Cold Snap with Window Blinds that Retain Heat

Posted February 26, 2019 In: /

‘Real Winter’s’ descent may have taken much of the UK by surprise, but there’s no need for homeowners to sit indoors shivering, or waste money cranking up the heating to max, when Style Studio’s climate control window blinds can help to keep homes warm and cosy – even in the face of Arctic snow storms.

And with another big freeze set to descend on the UK, there’s never been a better time to install heat-retaining window blinds in homes. Our interiors expert Lorna McAleer explains more:

“Within Style Studio’s portfolio there are two products that are specifically designed with home insulation in mind. Our Venetian blinds with a special Thermostop® coating are three times more effective at keeping heat within a home (when compared to standard Venetian blinds). And of course, the cellular design of our Hive® blinds holds a layer of insulating air to retain heat.

Both products are extremely effective, creating a haven of warmth against the Arctic conditions.

Lorna continues, “The bad news is that more cold weather is on the way. Long range forecasts from the Met Office suggest the next cold spell could last until April. So, installing heat saving blinds NOW is a really wise move. Homeowners could save money and energy with the addition of these products.”

Find out more about our multi-tasking window blinds below.


Responding to increased customer demand for climate control blinds, Style Studio recently extended its options to control temperature with window blinds with a brand-new type of Venetian blind that features THERMOSTOP.

Thermostop is a performance coating that’s applied to the concave side of the blind slats; it makes these Venetian blinds three times more effective at stopping heat passing through. And where they’re a great defence against cold weather, they also reduce the amount of heat entering through windows in summertime.


Hive® blinds make a huge difference to how homeowners control the climate of their home. The hardworking blinds, named Hive® because of their honeycomb structure, are specifically designed to help block AND retain heat (depending on the weather) at every home’s biggest energy holes – windows.

Their cellular design holds a layer of air that acts as an insulator. The fabric has anti-static qualities, meaning dust is repelled, plus, they are sound absorbent too. Available in standard and blackout options, there is also a flame-retardant variation.

If you’d like more control over the climate of your home by installing heat retaining window blinds then why not contact your local stockist now?

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